Message from the President

Central Glass was founded in 1936 with the aim of manufacturing and selling soda products as a chemical manufacturer. The company then launched into the glass business, using soda ash as a raw material. Central Glass is currently expanding its business in the fields of chemical products, glass, glass fiber, and fertilizers.
Our glass business has taken action to withdraw from our underperforming overseas businesses and restructured our domestic operations in an effort to restore profitability. We have also made a fresh start in April 2023 as Central Glass Products Co., Ltd., integrating our architectural glass and automotive glass businesses.
Our chemicals business has achieved solid growth thanks to high competitiveness in such fields as high-performance semiconductor materials, electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries, low GWP hydrofluoroolefins, high-performance materials, and medical materials.
Today's global society faces numerous challenges and risks, such as climate change and other global environmental issues, geopolitics, and social fragmentation. In order to respond to such a business environment, Central Glass has identified materiality that emphasizes sustainability. Among these issues, we have set "provision and development of products that solve social issues" as our most important initiatives.
We will continue to develop our business related to various materials based on research and development under the philosophy of creating a better future through Monozukuri.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
We look forward to fulfilling your expectations as the Central Glass Group enters a new stage of “Creation and Challenge.”
Representative Director,
President & CEO